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Danielle - Bonnie
We are mothers and we love: losing weight, working out, and being healthy.
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Thursday, November 17, 2011

I Jinxed It...

Hello and a very happy day to you. Danielle here :) Yesterday was uneventful. Once again the normal stuff for a mom. I won't bore you with all the glorious details. Breakfast was the same as the day before and the one before that. I'm sure that by the end of the week that I will be extra bored with my blueberry and cream oatmeal. I guess I need to think of something different for tomorrow...Any thoughts or ideas? Let me hear them :)

A little before lunch time I got a message from the hubster. He wanted me to put eggs on to boil so that he could make tuna when he got here. I was in the middle of previewing and editing yesterday's blog when I got the message. Once I was done and had hit the publish button, I went to the kitchen, grabbed the eggs out and put them into their hot tub and then I just started making the tuna. Sometimes I make lunch too ;) Once he got here he was all shocked and asked me what I wanted...hahaha. OK, OK so on rare occasion I make lunch...He finished it up once the eggs were hard boiled. Quoting one of the most awesome-est shows- "What's gonna work? TEAM WORK!! What's gonna work? TEAM WORK!!" I have watched a lot of kids shows in my time, can you tell? :) (extra points if you know the show...and btw, points don't matter)

calories- 263 / fat- 10 / protein- 56

Once we were done eating, we had some time before he had to be back at work. So we did what any hot married couple does with their extra time.....Oh yeah, you got it - we played some PS3. Modern Warfare 3 to be exact ;) We were trying to beat our previous score on a map in Survival Mode (we did, by the way *self high five*) Then it was time for him to head back work and for me to do some more motherly things and think about what to make for dinner. 

I decided to do my Baked Veggie Alfredo. I came up with the idea after going Pescatarian. We used to have Chicken Alfredo a lot, but since we are chicken free at home, I switched it out for a rainbow of veggies. This is what I do- saute some diced white onion and garlic in evoo. Then add in some chopped; carrots, yellow squash, zucchini, and frozen broccoli. I let that cook down but make sure it still has some crunch to it. I HATE mushy squash and zucchini. I then season the veggies and add in a jar of  Alfredo sauce and let it simmer as the whole wheat pasta boils. I then layer sauce/pasta/sauce until it's all gone in a baking dish then finish it with a sprinkle of mozzarella on top. Then I cover it with foil and bake it in the oven on 350 for 15-20mins. I just want it to be all heated through, you can remove the foil and brown the top if you want. It's a big hit with the whole family and it's pretty darn tasty if I may say so. Serve it with a big salad, of course.

calories- 318 / fat- 15 / protein- 8

After dinner I changed and headed for the gym. I kept notes of my 
work out so that I could share it with you all :)
This is what I did:

25mins - Elliptical (HIIT)
30mins - Spent on weight machines
100reps / 130lbs Calf Presses
40reps / 40lbs Rear Delt
40reps / 60lbs Fly
100reps / 130lbs Leg Press
10mins - Core work/calisthenics 

time spent- 65mins / calories burned- 466

So, after a very unexciting day and a nice workout I got home and was informed that my oldest son had some weird sort of rash that was very itchy. I don't know when it appeared or how long he has had it. But it isn't pretty. And it likes to move from place to place on his body. We covered him in Aquaphor and gave him some allergy meds. It goes away and then comes back. I'm not sure what is going on with that. If it doesn't get better soon we will take him to his pediatrician. I do know that he enjoying his vacation from school. He has been watching cartoons and is now playing the Wii. His little brother asked if he could stay home from school to help take care of him...He is too cute. But I'm pretty sure that the main reason he wanted to stay home was to do the exact same things that his brother is enjoying, minus the itchy spots. :) 

Stats for yesterday: calories- 1411 / carbs- 118g / fat- 74g / protein- 90g / sodium- 1698mg / water- 72oz

Until next time, remember that you ARE worth it and  that you CAN do it!! And now I have been asked to do a Push-up Challenge with Bonnie. Rules are: 1 minute - max reps...Join in and try to beat our scores. I will post them once they are done. (Side Note - I haven't tried to do an actual push-up in a very long time...so this will be fun!)

Danielle- 30 [Modified or Girly Form, whichever you prefer ;) ]
Bonnie- 23 [I believe they were the standard ones]